Building a better food system.

City Farmers is a company with a purpose.

We're building a better food system by localizing fresh produce,

ending our reliance on brutal labor and inefficient transportation systems for our basic needs.

Innovative Greenhouse Technology

Traditional farming is inefficient, and so are most greenhouses.

Backed by over 40 years of research, our greenhouse tech is 10x more efficient than our competitors, while using 95% less land & water than outdoor farms.

Fresh, Nutritious Produce, Local To You

Almost all of the lettuce in America is grown in two counties in California & Arizona, then shipped around the country.

Our systems are purpose-built for city environments, so your produce is picked ripe and ready. Chances are it tastes better than the rest too.

Fair Labor

Big farm companies often use abusive labor practices, paying migrant farm workers pennies on the dollar to work outdoors in harsh conditions.

Our workers are payed a livable wage, inside climate controlled facilities designed to reduce strain on the body.